PRI is in Sydney, Australia!

Start your personal PRI journey in Sydney, Australia with a local, health professional provider.
Call Now 02 9482 9430

PRI has been around since the 1970s with the Institution being established in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1999.
It focuses on understanding and addressing postural and movement patterns to improve physical function and performance.

In recent years there is a surge in its popularity worldwide for its holistic thinking. Chances are if you are reading this page you have noticed the pattern PRI talks about and/or have already tried several treatment approaches that have not given you the result you are after. 

At Chirotherapy you will have the opportunity to be clinically assessed by a qualified and registered health professional who has already undertaken 5 years of full time study at university. Mei is caring in nature and has a deep understanding of human anatomy and movement.

She has been an academic tutor in the Faculty of Medicine at Macquarie University in the disciplines of Anatomy, Sports Medicine, Orthopaedic Assessment and Chiropractic Technique for 19 years. She has dedicated 9 years to studying with PRI including many trips to the US to attend the seminars in person after being helped with the approach herself. Her dedication and passion continues to grow for PRI with ongoing seminars, co-management for people from the PRI PRIME program in Nebraska and collaborations online with overseas providers. Mei is aiming to become Australia’s first Postural Restoration Certified (PRC) in 2025!

Mei is incredibly humbled and honoured to be regularly recommended by PRI in the US when they are asked for providers in Australia. She looks forward to every opportunity to help and make PRI proud with the framework they have provided. 

DID YOU KNOW there are over almost 700 exercises in PRI? And these are only counting the foundational primary courses! Nobody would ever do all those exercises which is why an in-person assessment with a comprehensively trained health professional is an excellent starting point. 

What This Means For You:

  • Your PRI journey may purely be exercise based. It may use manual PRI techniques to help. It may be combination of different therapies depending on your needs and preferences
  • You will have a clear starting point with in-person assessment (even if it is one or two sessions – this will be helpful for following up remotely through Zoom)
  • You will have support on how to get the most on doing the program at home
  • Work with a qualified health professional who has regularly worked with hypermobility and breathing for almost 20 years
  • Have a health professional who is willing to help talk to other professions to get the best overall care for you with integrative care
  • Consult fees may be health fund rebatable

We would be happy to answer any questions you had or if you needed to chat to see if PRI is the right approach for you. We are based in Hornsby, a Sydney. We invite you to give us a call on (02) 9482 9430 or you can book online here.

Online bookings