Chiropractic and You
Chiropractic is a healthcare system based on assessing and addressing imbalances in posture and movement. Our aim is to restore proper movement by working on both the joint and muscle with our holistic, hands-on approach. We then work with you to teach you how to keep the movement, control it then reintegrate it into daily life.
See a chiropractor if you:
- Are sore or are in pain,
- Have recurring symptoms despite doing all the “right” things,
- Are an athlete or have active pursuits,
- Study or sit for a living,
- Have experienced physical trauma like a car accident, fall or surgery,
- Frequently perform repetitive movements or postures, like manual labour, sitting at a desk or a new parent,
- Walk around with one or both feet pointing in or out,
- Experience tight/sore jaw muscles (you can test this by pressing through your cheek in between where your wisdom teeth should be),
- Are busy or under a lot of stress,
- Have a body!
Like a car, your body needs to be taken care of and maintained. Regardless of your physical condition or age, your body benefits from proper, balanced movement.
Here are some common questions which you can click to reveal the answer: