We choose to stock the highest quality products to help support you in getting better and staying better.
We choose to stock the highest quality products to help support you in getting better and staying better.
Supplementing with high-quality naturopathic products can help ease pain, reduce muscle spasm and reduce inflammation.
Reducing inflammation is an effective way to reduce the pain felt from an injury. We often use arnica and magnesium creams in the treatment rooms as well as Rocktape̵...
Kinesiotape is sometimes known as the brand of tape like Rocktape. It has elastic fibres in it and is different to rigid sports tape. We use both and as they both have th...
Support your neck and shoulders while you sleep with our range of therapeutic contour pillows. Our bodies should have a chance to be relaxed and balanced when we sleep at...
To use ice or not to use ice? That is the question. Generally speaking we would suggest using ice only in the first 48 hours after the injury. After that time and for ner...